This is Seth Sandler’s 3 zones of learning:
In the centre of the circle is our "comfort zone". This is the place where all our habitual patterns dwell. It’s a very comfortable place for us to rest. Good rest and comfort allow us to refresh and reset and restore. But in terms of learning, it’s probably not the best place to be.
The next ring is our "learning zone". This is where challenges take place. It’s the place for us to leave the comfort zone, push our limits and make changes; go beyond and take up challenges. This is where we grow and build strength.
Once we pass the Learning zone, we reach the "panic zone" or "excessive risk zone". This is where challenges become too overwhelming. Where it is beyond our capacity to comprehend the object of learning. Learning experiences can instead become traumatic.
For our spiritual growth, we can only make progress if we are willing to step out of our comfort zone and take on challenges. Challenges can look very different for each of us. For some, it is about climbing a mountain; for some, it is about staying still and not climbing the mountain; for some, it is about drinking coffee; for some, it is about quitting coffee; for some, it is about learning how to trust; for some, it is about having a critical mind.
Each of us are the only ones who can decide what exactly is our cocoon, our comfort zone, and when are stepping so far as to become unbearable. To achieve this awareness, we need to search within and be totally truthful to ourselves with no disguise and no judgement. We just get to know ourselves, with one-on-one listening, sharing and befriending ourselves. That is when we can become our own teacher, our own guiding light.