"Aimless wandering" is what yogis and yoginis have been doing for centuries. It is a practice of mindfulness combining awareness. It is very simple: get out of the house and start wandering in nature without a plan or destination.
During the whole process, we focus on our sensory perceptions: sight, sound, smell, touch, feeling on our skin and our whole being. We open our senses to interact with the nature around us, without applying any judgment.
Feel the light on our eyelids.
Feel the wind caressing our face.
Touch the cedar bark with our fingertips.
Smell the dirt and the moisture saturated in it.
Listen to the symphony played by birds and insects.
Fully engage in the sensory processes mindfully without attaching or rejecting any of them. Let them come in and let them pass. Be fully aware of the environment and experience nature without naming, judging or attaching to it. Just be in it.